Melior’s enrichment focus is to provide opportunities for students to develop lifelong interests whilst acquiring important social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills. This time can also be used to provide support for the academic challenges faced by students each day in school.

Through developing the aforementioned skills students will improve their self-esteem while developing higher aspirations in both current academic situations and in pursuing long term careers.

The provision of our enrichment varies through clubs and activities that encourage our students to pursue special interests such as music, sport and artistic performance.

We offer a range of after school clubs which are open to ALL pupils. Our performing arts and stage production club is extremely popular and produces two school productions each year. We have a STEM club, a wide range of sports clubs and activities before and after school, a sewing club and a creative writing group.

Melior’s Weekly Sports Clubs

Everybody is welcome to attend!


Football with Mr Kirk

Netball with Mrs Potter and Miss Hodgson


Badminton with Mr Lawis

Boxing with Mr Kirk


Cross country/Fitness with Mr Lawis

Athletics with Mr Lawis


Rugby with Mr Lings