Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding from the EFA (Education Funding Agency) that is allocated schools to work with pupils to support them in a variety of different ways to ensure that they reach their full potential.
In order to be eligible for this funding a pupils must fall into one, or more, of the categories below:
- Have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years;
- Have been looked after for 1 day or more;
- Are adopted.
There is also further funding available for pupils of service personnel.
Melior Community Academy works tirelessly to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential and monitors the impact of this funding on student attainment and progress on the personal, social and emotional development of these students.
The academy is committed to developing this programme and continues to explore new and innovative ways of improving life chances for all students. The evaluation reports detailing how we have spent this funding are available here. https://www.melior.org.uk/knowledge-base/statutory-governance-and-policy/