Year 6 Open Evening
We believe that all young people deserve the highest quality of education that will engage, inspire and challenge so that everyone meets their full potential. We strive to create a safe and happy learning environment which promotes independence and high expectations for all.
We would like to invite Year 6 pupils and their parents to visit us on Thursday 14th September 2023 between 5pm and 7pm. During the evening there will be tours of the Academy with the opportunity to meet staff and interact with all subject areas.
Choosing the right secondary school is one of the most important decisions in a young person’s life and we will work tirelessly to secure the best possible educational provision and outcomes for your child.
We are a fully inclusive academy with a distinctively creative ethos and have the highest aspirations for, and expectations of, our students. Our academy has an exceptionally well-qualified and talented staffing body who have the highest standards for themselves as professionals as well as the students they will be teaching.
We look forward to meeting you.
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