In Music at Melior Academy, we aim to teach a curriculum that enables students to learn how to create, perform and listen to music in ways which reflect historical, social and cultural origins and its ability to communicate. The sequencing of the KS3 curriculum builds on music performance, composition, theory and listening skills to develop a broad understanding of the relationships between melody and harmony across different styles and cultures. Musical development and knowledge is learned best through practical application and sound – the language of Music. Students will develop skills instrumentally, vocally and via music technology. Students will learn to appreciate and critique with cultural and emotional awareness. Students will develop their abilities to make music as individuals and as part of groups.
The study of the musical elements and musical literacy is constantly referenced in lessons with regular repetition and development of language acquisition applied over the course of KS3, as the National Curriculum in Music directs. Basic literacy such as ‘volume’ and ‘speed’ evolve into their musical form; dynamics and tempo, then progress into more descriptive language and detail, e.g; pianissimo – very quiet, Allegro - fast. Repertoire used in the curriculum is introduced using appropriate levels of notation to develop theoretical knowledge throughout their student learning journey. At KS3, year 7 involves basic skills reading and performing from treble clef notation; year 8 develops these skills to additionally read and perform simple harmonic progressions in melody writing; year 9 then enhance and apply their harmonic understandings in compositions that include bass clef notation, explore more complex structures, key signatures and rhythms.
Knowledge organisers are used to focus on the key learning and musical vocabulary for each unit. The progress of students developed understanding and learning is assessed and supported through live verbal feedback, formative quizzes, connect/drill activities and more summative assessments throughout the year. Melior Academy promotes opportunities to take part in instrumental provision via the North Lincs Music Hub and wider ensemble experiences outside of the classroom to enhance musical understanding and application of skills.
Future plans - The Melior Music department are working towards the intention to offer a broader experience of Music in the curriculum at KS4 within the next few years. The chosen delivery of GCSE, BTEC, or other, will be determined by the requirements and suitability of the course for our students, musical and academic abilities, needs and career prospects within the industry to leave Melior Academy successful and inspired.